Supported Channels
Real-Time Channels

Channels supporting live-update requests, can benefit of the two Bulk Actions for uploading rates and inventory onto the channels. These functions will take care of transmitting the correct availability of your website to the channels, as well as to upload the rates over a date span up to 1 year.

Bulk Action: Copy Availabilty

Copying the Availability Inventory is something that should be done whenever you connect the channel manager to a new channel or whenever the configuration of your room types changes on some channels.

Note: please notice that in both cases, it is necessary to have mapped all the room types before proceeding. You can do this by using the Synchronize Rooms function.

Most channels require you to upload rates and availability in order to be bookable on the portal, in this case this function can be very useful as it will let you upload the inventory of 1 year with one click.

Launching the Availability Bulk-Copy request is pretty straight forward:

  1. Select the rooms for which you would like to align the availability.
  2. Select the range of dates for the upload.
  3. Select at least one channel should be selected for the upload.
  4. Save by clicking the top button "Submit Availability Inventory Copy".

Bulk Action: Rates Upload

Having the rates uploaded onto the channels is fundamental in order to be bookable on the portals.
You can choose to upload rates by using the function 'Availability & Rates' but the "Bulk Action - Rates Copy" is a faster and powerful way and you can also copy your website rates up to a date range of 1 year with just one click.

Note: please remember that these functions can only be executed a limited number of times per day. The limit is given by the type of your subscription (PRO Level). Also, once the channels configuration is done, there is no need to copy the Availability inventory as the channel manager will keep the availability up-to-date automatically.

Watch this 4-minutes long video tutorial that shows how to bulk-copy the availability and rates on the channels.

IMPORTANT: unless you have requested a modification of rate plan to us, your pricing model for Booking.com is "Default Pricing".
In the video we select "Both Pricing Models", but you should NOT select that model unless you know what you are doing. In your channel manager, the pre-selected choice will be "Default Pricing", so keep it as is by default to avoid erroneous requests.

Booking.com: Bulk Copy Availability and Rates (Automatic Procedure)

Last Update: 03.11.2020 15:26
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